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the dev menu key does not work.

oh! it does now!

I have a ideia, what If when you reach the Max with you can swallow any enemy?


i think the ending should change depending on the weight you end up at.

are you planning on making any other games?


good game


phenomenal RPG hope you keep creating games like this


Add Pregnancy


this was really good, i hope you (he he) expand on this, or create a sequal


Sequel when?? This shit is a certified hood classic.

I've been trying to make a game in Twine, but can't get a ui like the side bar in this game. Could you give me any tips on how to make it?


You have to switch your engine to sugarcube. If you've already started coding in harlowe, good luck translating the code!

oh okay, no wonder I lost brain cells trying to figure stuff out... thanks my man!!!

(1 edit)

This game was fun, it would be nice to have some new bosses to fight in endless mode as well as some new events. Also boss slime kinda feels grindy when he shows up so frequently in endless mode.But even just leaving this game as is was a fun little game to spend a night on.

Second boss is too hard 

and wheres you are making images like this?

Um dos melhores RPGs que eu já joguei


are you going to keep updating


Maybe adding a choice on your gender

Man I'm inlove with this gameee, but i do have some suggestion that you could improve;

Increase the types of enemies - most of the enemies are made of goblins soo yeah might add some others mob and man meeting the slime king frequently in endless mode is just Urghhh... ( i hope you add some aoe weapon or spells)

Increase the events that could help reduce your weight - I only relying on the fairies food at this point to reduce my overweight well at least the odds in finding the fairy is still great i guess. 

Might just add different boss for each 20 floor in the endless mode - just give the boss different abilities or behavior that improve each 20 floors (like each 20's give the boss powerup such as increase her minion or reduce the effectiveness of spells and such...)

Also, does the mana stat have any function? I have increase it and use the shard as scale to see if there is any difference - welp there's none soo might aswell improve that

Overall this is such a fun game with lots of possibilities.  Major congrats for the developer and i look forward for the next update!!

P.S. I'm currently on 51st floor and I will get my ori weight back (From 356 > 296) ain't gonna stop the grind anytime soon he


Why is this so damn Hard? The cook overwhelms me every time.


Alright I went back and finished it, the cook was by far the hardest boss for me.


To bypass the cooks minion guard, shoot it with arrows.


yo, ya no se que hacer, cada vez que me descargo un juego de navegador y extraigo el archivo zip, todas las imágenes se quedan en mi dispositivo móvil y no se ejecutan junto con el juego, estoy cansado, no se que tengo que hacer, si tengo que juntar todo en un solo archivo, o no se, simplemente no se que hacer, si alguien sabe que debo de hacer, porfavor que me lo explique, porque  ya me canse de intentarlo. 


very good, wish this got updated

Could you add the probability of getting teammates?

(1 edit) (+6)

I hope this game gets more updates and add more content to it, because i really like.


I like how you added an endless mode so you can still get to the max weight without having to go to a previous safe! Very smartly done!

(6 edits) (+8)

Game is really good i will agree with the others that there should be more content and bonus stuff that I will state here.

Multiple endings images when dying to specific bosses or interactions that end the game to make it unique. More bosses other than the slime in endless mode. New bosses and secrets ones two

Skill tree  would give purpose to having Multiple classes.  Possible vore and transformations if enabled or not in settings 

More enemies that focus on feeding you or others till immobile or defeated by any means like food,liquid,allies, enemies, and themselves. 

New shards for bow like holy, acid, slime, thunder (sound), or lighting. Make bow crit and might be able to shoot more than one arrow. More enemies types. (feeders,elements,vore,inflation,etc)

 Easier to consume enemies if there hp is low or have tired condition,and all all enemies to be consumed (hp must be lower or equal to fullness.)

New mechanics from becoming fatter like immobile or possibility of getting stuck, stuff breaks when sat on, accidental vore/inflation,ceiling fall,or burp

New npcs,allies,with individual weight gain stages and more for old npcs til immobile 

New weapons types and might require other ammo than arrow 

2 difficult settings one for weight and one for rolls.Add puzzles that can lead to endings or give lore,rewards, or skills. Can go beyond immobile with items or certain skills or allies

That should be all. I'm sorry for it  being so long and its ok if not everything we said is in there yet. I understand that it will take a long time

any further questions or misunderstanding about just reply to this message or contact me on this account lol251

Bruv, you took my ideas and made them better.

No problem lad


one of the worst rpgs i've played




hey idiot, I think you lack the braincells to understand it, i had to play the game first in order to review it, and it sucks ass, so yeah, I'm not gonna play it anymore.


I understood your dumbass alright? So waddle your ass to a different game


Why though


This is great, if you have the time, you should really keep it up! one of the best of this type of game I've tried!


More bigger/huge sizes for endless mode plz, for both the npc's and the player :>

How did you unlock endless mode for the game?

just get to the top of the tower, beat the end boss, and then the game just has you continue on further and further just to see how far you can go

oh ok.


Great game, love it!
It would be awesome if our character can become the new Queen of Gluttony in the end if she reaches maximum weight for example

(2 edits) (+6)(-1)


I love the game, but I want more content. So I got four things on my mind.

1: add a curse that will make you gain weight over time. This will happen when witch goblins cast a spell on a player, with it being a 50/50 of it being the curse or a blessing. (Bessings are your ideas.)

2: add a goblin witch. Goblin witches are the last stage of the goblin weight stage with them being immobile weight over a ton.

3: Add a underwear scene when reaching over 10,000+ pounds. I like how you got some of the staged of weight, and something about the player being in her bra and panties will look cool.

And lastly

4. Add a fully-exposed-immobile stage. (F.E.I. for short). This will make the game more interesting, as the amount of weight these people can gain is absurd, funny and arousing.

Bonus suggestions: tears in the armor... just, yeah... it speaks for itself. And different classes. Currently there was only one class which is knight. More classes would be cooler and make the game more fun.

Hope you see this,



is there going to be a new update or no ? (not an incisive comment, just curiosity)


I with there was a male player

i wanted to know CriticalMongoose, what do you use for creating your images ?

Someone else made the images, not critical mongoose


yo Critical Mongoose, are you going to make similar games like this in the future? (Btw, I'm not implying/forcing you to make more, I'm just being a bit curious.)

this game was so much great. i really like this game . i completed 4 times. i really like update of this game. 


This game was great, do you intend to improve it or not ? If yes, could you put a class system in this game, with different pplayable character and capacity. It would be cool to offer possibility to lose weight since it's part of the gameplay and more different feeding situation. And if you could find an artist interest by the project, that would be the tiny last piece to perfection, the ai art are very good but it as limitation. This game was very great, the gameplay is fun and challenging and the boss are very cool.

I agree on your point for the class system. Although there is a way to lose weight but it is miniscule and wont last long being one of the fairy's stews. I do think there should be a more substantial amount to last longer and regain agility.

I know for the fairy and I think you should put a thing to keep agility, either more way to losing way either something else


great game, really enjoyed it

Do you plan to add even more floors to make the game session longer and to add more boss fights than what we have?

Is there a way to access the dev menu on mobile

Unfortunately not

dam anyway he/you can make it so you can?

Idk if your the creator or not

Please someone tell me how to access the dev thingie

Press the 'z' key on the first passage of the game.

(I kept the dev tools in as a reward for those who beat the game, but enough people have asked about it that I'll make it public knowledge)

Any chance you could make it so moblie players can access it bc i beat the game but i can't access it bc am on mobil

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